Thursday, August 14, 2008

HAPPINESS – Happiness, The Secret Ingredient Is You! - By Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

How do we overcome adversity? How do we create a life worth living? How do we manage to have more positive than negative emotions? How do we get happy and how do we stay happy, most of the time? See the answer below!Discovered: The Secret Ingredient to Happiness is Ourselves! As many of you know I am a positive psychologist and happiness coach-I encourage finding out what's good about ourselves (rather than what's bad), and seeing ourselves in a positive light. I teach how to understand your own needs and your talents, and how to do the work necessary to create a life full of happiness. Here, I'd like to introduce you to a happiness creation process I developed from many years of observation, case studies, and happiness research.

To read complete article go to:

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