Sunday, August 31, 2008

Winter skin is dry skin. As the air temperature drops, so does the humidity and you feel the difference in that dry, itchy skin. There are a few simpl

Winter skin is dry skin. As the air temperature drops, so does the humidity and you feel the difference in that dry, itchy skin. There are a few simple things you can do to protect yourself, and help your skin:

  1. Bathe in warm water, not hot. Coming in from the cold it's tempting to take a really hot, really long shower, but your skin will suffer for it. Hot water strips your skin of moisture, bathe in warm water or for shorter periods of time to compensate. The American Academy of Dermatologists suggests limiting showers to no more than 10-15 min.
  2. Use a mild soap. Avoid antibacterial or deodorant soaps. Don't wash your face in the morning, washing at night is sufficient to cleanse impurities without over-drying.
  3. Apply a moisturizer while the skin is still wet. This applies to your hands as well as your face. Moisturizing while the skin is wet helps to trap moisture in. If your hands get particularly dry in winter, keep some lotion by the sink and moisturize every time you wash.
  4. Protect your skin when you go outside. Exposed skin suffers in winter so cover up as much as you can. Gloves, scarves, hats, and mufflers will keep you warm and your skin will thank you. Don't forget that your skin is still at risk from sun damage during the winter so make sure your lip balm has an SPF of at least 15 and use it liberally.

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