Friday, November 7, 2008

How to Make a Scrapbook: 10 Easy Steps

  1. Organize your pictures.
  2. Brainstorm layout ideas & journaling.
  3. Find your album & paper.
  4. Find your finishing touches.
  5. Organize your space.
  6. Create your background and/or borders.
  7. Crop and mat your pictures.
  8. Start sticking.
  9. Journal, Journal, Journal.
  10. Add the finishing touches.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

List of Scrapbooking Ideas

  • Old children's books and greeting cards can give you great layout ideas and provide pictures for embellishments.
  • Alphabet erasers and foam alphabet puzzles make great letter stamps.
  • Foil, bubble wrap, and cling wrap can be used for inking and creating your own patterned paper.
  • Old costume jewelry or hair ribbons can be recycled onto a scrapbook
  • Old decks of children's playing cards (Old Maid, etc)make cute embellishments for layouts with the kids' pictures.
  • Cut corners off colored envelopes with fancy cut scissors and then use as photo corners on your photos.
  • Cards, wrapping paper, even gift bags can be cut to make fabulous frames borders, or back drops.
  • Packing peanuts make nifty stamps to give a "textured" background to a page (you will need a large hand-full, as they do break frequently). Simply press them on an ink pad and stamp away. They are also excellent for blending chalks!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ICE - In Case of Emergency

ICE - In Case of Emergency

I received this email from a relative and I thought it was the"BEST IDEA" since sliced bread. This may have been sent throughThriftyFun before but I think it was worth sending in case it wasmissed. Apparently this is a standard procedure all paramedicsfollow at the scene of an accident, when they come across your cell phone.

It is called ICE (In Case of Emergency). We all carry our mobilephones with names and numbers stored in its memory but nobody,other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to ourclosest family or friends. If we were to be involved in anaccident or were taken ill, the people attending us would haveour mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Which number isthe contact person in case of an emergency?
Hence this ICE Campaign It is a method of contact duringemergency situations. As cell phones are carried by the majorityof the population, all you need to do is store the number of acontact person or persons who should be contacted duringemergency under the name 'ICE' ( In Case Of Emergency).

The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when hewent to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phoneswith patients, but they didn't know which number to call. Hetherefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was anationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergencysituation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff wouldbe able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing thenumber you have stored as 'ICE.' For more than one contact namesimply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc.

A great idea that will make a difference! Let's spread theconcept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our Mobile phonestoday! Please forward this. It won't take too many 'forwards'before everybody will know about this. It really could save yourlife, or put a loved one's mind at rest. ICE will speak for youwhen you are not able to.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Smile Books
Introducing a fresh concept to a favorite hobby.
SmileBooks offers an exciting digital scrapbooking software, great for the adventurous hobbyist yet easy to understand for the novice scrapbooker.
Just download their free program, and with your digital images you are on your way to creating a photo book within minutes using your own layouts or those provided.
An easy to use order form completes the process to owning your very own photo book.
A variety of colors, sizes and textures provides a wide selection to choose from;
* Deluxe SmileBook 12" x 12"
* Classic SmileBook 8" X 11"
* Mini SmileBook 8" x 8"
* Pocket SmileBook 5" x 5"

TexturesBooklet, Soft Cover, Hard Cover, Faux Leather and Linen CoverCreate memories that last a lifetime, in no time at all with SmileBooks.
For use only with Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 2000
User Access Control is that annoying thing that keeps on popping up tirelessly to ask you if it is OK to install a particular program when you try to install one. It is one of the biggest irritants in Vista, but I must warn you that disabling it will render your system less secure.

1. Open the Control Panel, type in user account in the search box, and press [Enter].
2. You’ll see the link for Turn User Access Control (UAC) on or off. Click it.
3. Uncheck the box, reboot your computer, and you will no longer be bothered by UAC.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Add Just the Right Scrapbooking Quote to Your Pages

The Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Word: Quotes - Titles - Poetry - Tips - Words
by Linda Latourelle
Amazon Price: $13.57 (as of 10/28/2008)
I am an avid scrapbooker, but at times, ideas for pages and titles just will elude me. I saw this book and thought "WOW!! this is something I could use!!" When I opened my new book, I began to see ideas flying off the pages right onto my scrapbook page. It is a good book to have, when those ideas are just not there. My "Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Word" has become a very important part of a relaxing evening with pictures that will become lifelong memories for family and friends.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Where to Shop For Discount Scrapbooking Supplies

  • Ebay
  • Scrapbooking Forums
  • Dollar Stores
  • Big Discount Stores
  • Craft Stores
  • Closeout Stores

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How to Use Scrapbooking Eyelets

Eyelet Scrapbooking Tools

Before you get started you will need to assemble a few tools for attaching eyelets. First, you need a small hammer. You can find small ones made especially for scrapbooking at your local craft store.
You also will need an eyelet setter. Scrapbooking manufacturers now make a variety of eyelet setters. The best way to choose one is to watch what others are using at your next scrapbooking crop. Make sure the setter is the appropriate size for your eyelets. Eyelets come in 3 different sizes.
Make sure your setter can accommodate the size you have chosen for your page.
An anywhere hole punch is another essential tool for attaching eyelets. This is different than the hole punches you may have used in school or in an office. An anywhere punch is not limited to punching holes only in the sides of a paper. It allows you to place a hole anywhere on the page.

To protect your work surface, you need a self-healing cutting mat. When you are pounding the eyelet into the page, you can easily damage wood, laminate and glass tables if you don't have a hard surface that can withstand dents between the paper and your table.
You could choose to purchase an eyelet setting kit from a scrapbooking store. These come with a hammer, anywhere hole punch and eyelet setter. Some also come with a small self-healing cutting mat.

How to Attach Scrapbooking Eyelets

To begin, use a pencil to lightly make the spot on your page where you want the eyelet. Use the anywhere hole punch to make a small hole. The punch will have a small tip at one end that cuts the hole in the paper. Place it against the paper, and use the hammer to give the other end of the punch a firm tap.
Hold your eyelet so the rounded, colored edge is up and facing you. Insert the other side into the hole on the paper. Carefully turn the page over so it is face down. Place the eyelet setting tool on the eyelet, and give the end of the tool a few taps with your hammer.
Turn your page over, and your eyelet should be attached to your page layout just where you wanted it. Use eyelets just as you would any scrapbooking embellishment. They work well to anchor or lace ribbons on a page and to attach charms. Try using an eyelet in a page title to dot letters like "i" and "j." Once you start using scrapbooking eyelets on your page layouts, you're sure to find many uses for them.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Some Tips For Organizing a Desk For Scrapbooking

Having a separate desk for scrapbooking is an excellent idea and a good investment when you really love this hobby and indulge in it often. Since there are so many small items you use for making scrapbooks, and because you need to keep the pages and paper nice and neat and free of damage, it is a good idea to have a separate area for your supplies. To really make the most of your desk for scrapbooking there are some things you should consider.

For one thing you should always keep everything on your desk for scrapbooking neat and organized. It's easy to let the small page elements and scrapbooking supplies get mixed up with one another but this can cause frustration when you're ready to actually make up some new page layouts. There are many containers and organizers you can buy that are specially made for scrapbooking organization, but remember that you can use just about anything to keep your items separate and organized. Egg cartons, paper cups, and even the plastic lids to things like hairspray can all keep those tiny embellishments organized (wash them out first of course!).

You should also consider keeping a trash bin near your desk for scrapbooking so that you can easily get rid of scrap paper, tape, and other discarded items so they don't get mixed in with necessary supplies. A separate cup or drawer for basic scrapbooking tools like scissors and paper cutters can keep things organized and neat as well; nothing is more frustrating than hunting around for the scissors or die cutter when your desk is covered in cardstock and other page elements.

Paper organizers are very inexpensive and can really help keep your desk for scrapbooking organized as well. These paper sorters are like stacked slots for different colored paper and will keep them from being bent or marked up. They also allow you to sort your paper by color and by pattern or theme.

Remember that when you have a desk for scrapbooking you don't need to keep everything right on the surface of the desk. Put a corkboard up on the wall in front of the desk; you can pin binder clips to it and use the clips to hold papers so that you don't need to use a pushpin with them. You can also pin envelopes to the corkboard and use these envelopes to keep small embellishments and stickers neat and organized. Clear plastic sandwich bags also work well allowing you to see exactly what is inside. Be sure to use the space under your desk for scrapbooking as well; a small cart with drawers is usually affordable and can easily stay next to or under your desk for easy storage access.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Try a Few Simple Beginner Scrapbooking Techniques - this is great for anyone new to scrapbooking

  • Matting: Double or triple mat your focal point photo to place more emphasis on it.
  • Paper Tearing: Hold the top of a piece of cardstock with both hands and pull towards you with your right hand. Paper tearing adds texture to your pages.
  • Journaling: Use bullets and lists for journaling instead of long paragraphs.
  • Borders: Create top, bottom or side borders on your page. A coordinating strip of paper and just a few embellishments are all it takes
  • Brads and Staples: These are inexpensive ways to creatively adhere elements to your page. Brads and staples work especially well with ribbons and vellum

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good at Footlocker, Lady Footlocker, or Kids Footlocker stores in the US or online at The 10% and 15% coupons can be combined for 25% discount.
Redeem by 12/31/08.
Non-Sale items only.
25% off:
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Three Things

Three things in life that, once gone, never come back

Three things in life that may never be lost

Three things in life that are most valuable
Self - Confidence

Three things in life that are never certain

Monday, October 27, 2008

Stop Paying Two Phone Bills: Make Your Cell Phone Your Primary Line
by: Syd Johnson

If you find a good service and affordable features, or spend a lot of time away from home, then consider going totally wireless.

Many cell phone customers are now using their cell phone as their primary phone line. As the number of cell phone subscriber continues to rise, the monthly fee for basic cell phone service are falling. If you spend a lot of time away from home or constantly have business phone calls forwarded to your cell phone, you can make your cell phone your primary phone line.

As more Americans go wireless, the wireless industry has responded with more choices and lower prices for basic plans. You can send email, text messages, surf the web, listen to music and even take pictures with your cell phone. You can keep in touch and entertain yourself with your cell phone. Free nights and weekends, free long distance and of course, going from two phone bills to one, make this a very attractive option.

If you are ready to make the leap to wireless only, there are many, many opportunities in the cellular market for you. Before you make the leap, here are the three most common things that you want to consider to minimize your cell phone bill and maximize your usage and enjoyment.


Spend a few more dollars per month if necessary, but get the best service that you can afford. Customers and family members will not tolerate spotty service, dropped calls and interference on a daily basis. Figure out where you spend the majority of your time, indoors, outdoors, rural areas, dense urban areas or away on business trips. Make sure that your cell phone service is compatible with your geography and lifestyle.


Basic service plans are comparable to the average landline phone bill. However, the major billing sore points for cell phone customers are roaming charges and over the minutes charges. The average customer has really gotten used to 5 cents, 7 cents and 10 cents per minutes charges on their landline long distance bills. Cell phone carriers can charge 35 cents or 45 cents each minute over your anytime allowance. It's always better to have too many cell phone minutes rather than too few. The extra $10 or $20 for a plan with more anytime minutes is a much better option than a $180 cell phone bill at the end of the month.

Also, see if there is a plan available that minimizes roaming charges. Roaming charges in some areas can be as high as 65 cents per minute. You can minimize your roaming charges in one of two ways:

Get a plan with no roaming charges. Another option is to get plan that alerts you when you are roaming and gives you the option to not send or receive calls. If you are Sprint PCS customer, you will receive an alert on your cell phone when you receive a call and you are roaming. Change your plan if needed, but get one that maximizes your usage time and minimizes your extra costs.

If you get a great service, minimize your extra charges and avoid roaming fees, making the switch from a landline to a cellular phone is a great option.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

More Christmas GIft Ideas

Here's a few of my favorite inexpensive gift ideas...
1. Gourmet coffees with a personal coffee cup
2. Pound of pistachios
3. Child's artwork, framed
4. Journal with special inscription inside
5. Teacup with box of herbal tea
6. Deck of cards and book of card game rules
7. Homemade cocoa mix in a pretty jar
8. Collage of special photos
9. Gel pens and pretty stationary
10. Bottle of sparkling cider
11. Home baked bread, include recipe
12. Disposable camera or rolls of film
13. Basket filled with deli cheese and fruit
14. Craft supplies
15. Holiday serving bowl or platter
16. Pretty basket filled with special jams or mustards
17. Decorative napkins and napkin rings
18. Fancy chocolate bars tied with a ribbon
19. Gardening gloves with a plant or flower seeds
20. Photo album, hand decorated is even better
21. Makeup tote
22. Prepaid photo developing envelopes
23. Homemade cookie mix with instructions for baking
24. Variety of bread mixes
25. Special coffee cup filled with candy
26. Fancy magazines tied together with a pretty ribbon
27. Gourmet popcorn and flavored oil
28. Locally made barbeque or steak sauce with basting brush
29. Pancake or waffle mix and a bottle of real maple syrup
30. Movie theater gift certificates
31. Board games
32. Jar of sourwood or pure honey with biscuit mix
33. Note cards and book of stamps
34. Picture frames, buy them on sale!
35. Specialty cookbook
36. Pretty glass jar filled with candy
37. Collectible sports cards
38. Muffin mixes with muffin pan
39. Books, there are still a few for under $10
40. Set of dish towels and dish cloths
41. Nail polish kit
42. Pretty night shirt
43. Basket filled with kitchen gadgets
44. Video rental gift certificates
45. Pepper mill and fresh peppercorns
46. Handwritten copies of your favorite recipes
47. For the pets, gourmet dog biscuits or cat treats
48. Baking pans and supplies
49. Prepaid long distance phone cards
50. Small clock or radio
51. Pretty box for keepsakes
52. Colorful Post-It notepads
53. Address book
54. Christmas ornaments

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Anoying emails

I received this email does this man think I am that stupid to fall for this ?

Hello, I saw your ads on a job site and i will be willing to offer you a part-time job , i will need a responsible sincere and trustworthy person for this position(Book keeper/Accountant officer).Money will never be a problem if you can be trusted and you are reliable.This will not affect your present state of work in anyway. What it only entails is that you have the knowledge of the computer and printing idea.This Job has been developed in a way that your job will not be affected(if you have any)nor bring you any form of stress,but would help boost your earnings.Now,with the large number of customers i do business with in the united state,i would be needing(urgently)the services of a PAYMENT Dispatcher Representative in the states who would monitor and print out checks to individuals and companies..Below is a brief description of what your Job is all about:
2.Download them on your system and the instructions will be given to you on how to use them
3.Print checks to individuals and companies from the company's numerous account.
4 Put each check in a different envelope.
5.creat the fedex or ups label for each envelope SALARY: $1,200 PER MONTH

get back to me with your resumes and the information below
I await your response
Paul Hunter+447024033674

Friday, October 24, 2008

Great Article on Credit Cards- Check this out great info

11 Things You Should Know About Your Credit Cards

It’s no news that Americans love their plastic. But with the holiday season coming fast—and as banks raise interest rates in a shaky economy—it’s good to know the ins and outs of credit cards. Like: What should you do if you know a payment is going to be late? The best strategy, of course, is always to pay your bill on time and in full. But when that’s not possible, call your bank to say that your payment will be delayed. Sometimes it will waive a late fee for a good customer. And if you have even a day or so before your bill is due, pay by phone or overnight a check: The cost will probably be less than the late fee. Experts address 10 more common questions about credit cards here:,21861,1697911-1684343,00.html?xid=weeklynews.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

User names

Many websites, from social networking sites to eBay, require you to register before you can get started. But picking out a username that's not already in use by someone else - and is easy for people to remember - can be tricky.
For a one-stop solution, go to This free service will check a variety of registration sites to see if your desired username is available.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How to use a video as wallpaper on your desktop

1. Install VLC media player after downloading it from here :

2. Run VLC media player

3. Go to Settings->preferences->Interface->Main interfaces, then click on wxWidgets

4. Remove the tick from "Taskbar" and put a tick on "Systray icon".

5. Go to Video->Output Modules->DirectX..

6. On the bottom right put a tick on advanced options check u will see some options. Put a tick on "Enable Wallpaper Mode "

7. Select playlist and put a tick on "Repeat current item"

8.: Click on Save button.

9. Restart your player.

10. Then play any video you would like to set as Wallpaper.

11. Right click on the video and click on "Wallpaper".

Monday, October 20, 2008


Free Pumpkin Carving Templates

Free Cappuccino from Barnes and Noble

Free Sample Orville Redenbacher's Minismart Cakes

Free Sample Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift

Free Sample Prilosec OTC

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Homemade Air Fresheners:
Place a couple of drops of essential oil on a folded paper towel or on cotton balls. Place in a margarine container, poke holes in the lid, then place in an out-of-sight area in the room, such as behind furniture. Make the scents seasonal – for instance, use peppermint or cinnamon at the holidays and lavender in the spring. Note: Be sure to keep away from small children and animals.

Scented Storage Areas: Your storage and "work" areas don’t need to smell musty. Place a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball or cosmetic pad. Place the cotton ball or pad inside a plastic bag, poke a few air holes in it, then bend a paper clip to hang. Certain oils work better for certain spaces: Closet: lavender, bergamot or almond Garage: cinnamon, eucalyptus, clove Cupboard: orange, cinnamon, peppermint Laundry room: lavender, almond, peppermint Attic/basement: bergamot, orange and peppermint

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pesky Junk Mail

We all have that never ending mailbox full of junk mail that will never stop so here is some thrifty ideas that you can do with this junk mail.

1. Envelopes - Payment envelopes are inserted in almost every bill or account statement. While this used to be a necessary item, online payments and automatic bank drafts are quickly doing away with the need for payment envelopes.
However, don't be too quick to deem these envelopes useless. Save yourself some money and add these envelopes to your stash of store-bought envelopes. After all, an envelope is an envelope. Occasionally a company will place its return address or logo on the outside of the payment envelope, thus foiling your efforts, but with a little creativity, even these envelopes can be put to good use. How about using them to organize your grocery coupons or the seeds you gather from your garden at the end of the growing season? Nobody said envelopes used for these purposes had to be pretty. One cautionary note: be sure to black out any barcodes on the envelope. They could cause mail sorting equipment to ignore the address you've written on it.

2.CD Tins/DVD Cases - How many times have you received a CD in the mail encouraging you to sign-up for the latest version of an Internet service?
While the CD inside may be of little interest to you, the case it came in is often worth a second look, especially if you have a teenager in your life. With a little craftiness, you can turn that case into the perfect place for his or her latest burned CD.
For CD tins, simply rough up the existing paint with a piece of sandpaper, and apply a new color with a can of spray paint. Then, once it's dry, the tin can be decorated with stickers or other decorations. DVD cases are even easier to transform. Simply remove the paper liner from inside the case and replace it with one of your own design.

3.Flyers - All of the flyers and other non-glossy, one-sided advertisements that come in the mail can be put to a variety of uses. If you have kids in the house, the backsides make excellent coloring paper, or they can even be transformed into high-flying paper airplanes.
Another great use is to cut up advertisements into small pieces that can be used for scratch paper to jot down phone numbers and other important notes.
Or, if you always find yourself running out of computer paper, you may find this use is better suited to your needs. Save all 8.5 by 11-inch pages that come in the mail for use in the printer. Many printing tasks, such as printing a recipe off of the Internet, do not require a fresh sheet of paper. Reserve new paper for the tasks that require it and you'll cut down your spending on office supplies.

4.Glossy Advertisements - While it may not seem like it at first, glossy or two-sided advertisements can also be repurposed with great effect. Simply run them through the paper shredder, and you have instant packing material. After you try this solution, you'll forget all about those messy packing peanuts.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Kibbles recipe for your cat

Here is a great Kibbles recipe:

3 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups soy flour
1 cup wheat germ
1 cup cornmeal
1 cup nonfat dry milk
1/2 cup brewer's yeast
1 (15 ounce) can mackerel
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon cod liver oil
2 cups of water or as needed

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. In another bowl, mash the mackerel into small pieces. Mix in the oil and water. Add the mackerel mixture to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. The dough is tough, so use your hands. Roll dough out to about 1/4-inch thickness and cut into 1/4-inch bits, using a knife or pizza cutter. Mound the bits onto greased cookie sheets and bake for 25 minutes. During baking, occasionally toss the bits with two wooden spoons, so they brown evenly. Turn the heat off and allow the treats to cool thoroughly before removing. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This recipe freezes very well for longer storage.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How to speed up Windows Vista

  1. Delete programs you never use
  2. Limit how many programs load at startup
  3. Defragment your hard drive
  4. Clean up your hard disk
  5. Run fewer programs at the same time
  6. Turn off visual effects
  7. Check for viruses and spyware
  8. Disable services you don’t need
  9. Check for updates from the manufacturer

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Make your kids homemade slime

1 tsp. liquid starch
1tsp. white school glue
food coloring

With a spoon, mix starch, glue and food coloring of choice into the center of a 12 inch square of wax paper. Keep stirring until mixture seperates from the paper. Allow to stand on paper for 3-4 minutes. Roll into a ball and kneed for 1 minute.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Christmas is coming up and here are some great gift basket ideas you may want to think about.

  • "Pamper Me" Bath Basket - Fill a basket with some homemade bath salts, lotions, etc. (visit the Formulas page for bath recipes...), along with lufa, scented candle, and a cardboard note to hang on the door that says "Pampering, Do Not Disturb".
  • Tea Time Basket - Include some interesting teas, and a small jar of honey. Add homemade jams or jellies with crackers or a small loaf of homemade bread and a copy of If Teacups Could Talk. Decorate with ribbon and an interesting kitchen utinsel attached to the handle
  • Gardener's Basket - For the gardener, fill the basket with packets of seeds, garden hand tools, gloves, plant markers
  • Coffee Lover's Basket - Get a bunch of the small packets of flavored coffees for the coffee lover to sample. Add some chocolate dipped cinnamon sticks, butter cookies, a special coffee cup, a jar of homemade Hot Chocolate Mix. Dip a spoon in melted chocolate - allow it to harden, wrap in cellophane and tied w/ a pretty ribbon. Attach the spoon to the handle
  • The Baker's Basket: A recipe for something that you made that someone liked, along with all the premeasured ingredients (within reason) and a pack of recipe cards

Monday, October 13, 2008

This works great on fleas short term and cost effective

Natural Flea Control: Oil of lavender is said to be effective and safe as a way to get rid of fleas and keep them away for the short term. Using a dog brush as the guide, cut a piece of fabric (like an old towel, cotton material or even several layers of old panty hose) larger than the "head" of the brush. Dab on several drops of oil of lavender and then scrunch the fabric together to spread the oil around on the cloth. Put this over the brush head and press into the bristles. Brush over your dog’s coat, rinsing the brush in clear water if necessary. This is a nice way to "freshen" the coat and help de-flea at the same time.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chicken Dog Biscuts for your best friend

3 1/2 cups flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup rye flour
2 cups cornmeal
2 cups cracked wheat
1/2 cup non-fat dry milk
4 teaspoons salt
1 package dry yeast
1 pint warmed chicken stock
1 egg
1 tablespoon milk

Dissolve yeast into warm chicken stock
Mix flours, cornmeal, wheat, milk, salt, and yeast together.
Knead about 3 minutes, working it into a stiff dough.
Roll out on a floured surface to 1/4 inch thickness.
Cut into shapes, place on cookie sheet
Mix egg and milk together
Brush egg mixture on to biscuits
Bake at 300 F for 45 minutes
Turn the heat off and leave the biscuits in the oven overnight.
They should be hard and dry.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Making your own dog shampoo

4 ounces glycerin
2 cups mild liquid dish soap, such as Ivory, Dove, or Palmolive
2 cups water
2 cups apple cider vinegar

Mix this up really well. If it seems too thick, you can thin it down with more water. Make sure you shake it up before using each time.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Energy Tip

Reducing your energy bill can be as simple as changing the time of day you do things around your house. Contact your energy company to find out their off-peak hours. Then simply make sure that you run major appliances such as your washer, dryer, oven and dishwasher whenever possible during these times to significantly reduce your energy bill.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cheap Cleaners

1. Scouring Powder - use straight baking soda.
2. Soft Scrubber - combine 1/4 cup baking soda and enough detergent to make a frosting texture.
3. Window Cleaner - 1/4 cup vinegar, 2 cups water, and 1/2 teaspoon liquid detergent in a spray bottle.
4. Oven Cleaner - Cover bottom of stove with 1/4 inch of baking soda. Sprinkle or spray water over the baking soda to keep it moist. Let it sit overnight and then clean out with a sponge.
5. Furniture Cleaner - 1/4 cup of vinegar in a bowl and then add a 3-5 drops of vegetable oil.
6. Drain Cleaner - 1 cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by 3 cups of boiling water.
7. All Purpose Cleaner - 1/2 teaspoon of washing soda with 2 cups of hot water in a spray bottle.
8. Antibacterial Spray - 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil with 2 cups of water in a spray bottle.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halloween Decorations

Crumple up a piece of tissue paper into a ball. Place it into the center of a flat piece of tissue paper. Pick up the corners of the flat tissue and twist it around the ball. Tie a twist tie or a piece of string around the ghosts's neck. Draw a face with a felt pen. You can hang them up all over the house! You can also glue on yarn, and make a black hat and cape from colored paper to make a witch!

Monster Footprints
With a magic marker, draw a footprint in a big sponge. Cut out the footprint. Pour washable paint in an 1/8 inch aluminum pan. Press the sponge in the paint and sponge footsteps up your sidewalk to your front door for trick-or-treaters to follow, or around the side of your dark, spooky house. Flip the sponge upside down to stamp the other foot.

A graveyard near your front walk is a creepy and creative touch to the Halloween spirit. We used scrap pieces of plywood and siding and cut them into rectangles with the tops rounded, like a gravestone. We first painted them gray, then washed over them with a watery white paint for age and spook factor. We used black paint to add amusing names and epitaphs, such as "I.M. Gone" or "Ben Dismembered". Screw a wooded stake to the back and pound into the ground. I like to group them together on an area of grass, then rope them off with chains, add a few pumpkins .

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Secret Shopper Scams

This is a popular work from home scam that is listed all over the internet. I found a great article on

To read more on this scam check out -

Monday, October 6, 2008

Interesting Facts

  • When you walk down a steep hill, the pressure on your knees is equal to three times your body weight.
  • Americans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food.
  • Each year, 30,000 people are seriously injured by exercise equipment.
  • Heineken beer is designed to 'foam' for exactly five minutes.
  • 80% of Publishers' Clearing House $10 million winners did not purchase any magazine subscriptions!
  • The average coach airline meal costs the airline $4.00. The average first class meal: $50.
  • Wearing yellow makes you look bigger on camera; green, smaller.
  • Contrary to popular beliefs, chocolate does not cause acne.
  • Surgeons who listen to music during operations perform better than those who don't .

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Free Pledge Multisurface Wipes-

Free Bertolli Premuim Pasta Sauce -

Free Crest Whitening Toothpaste -

Make your own sports drink

Basic Sport Drink Recipe:

1 package unsweetened fruit drink mix (flavoraide, koolaide, etc.)
2/3 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 quarts of water

Dissolve the salt and soda in a cup of the water. Put in mixing vessel. Add the flavor mix, sugar and the rest of the water. Mix thoroughly.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tips and Tricks

Polish Chrome with Baby Oil

Polishing chrome. Apply a dab to a cotton cloth and use it to shine every-thing from faucets to hubcaps.

Remove Grease Stains with Cornmeal

Absorbing grease stains on light-colored fabric or upholstery. Pour on enough to cover the soiled area and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Vacuum to remove the grains.

Buff Scratched CDs with Toothpaste

Buffing scratches from CDs that skip. Apply a small dot of toothpaste (not gel) to a cotton pad. Rub in a straight line from the center of the CD outward and over the scratch. Rinse off the toothpaste with water.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Dissolve 1 milk of magnesia tablet in 1 quart of club soda.
Let stand overnight
Stir well and pour into a shallow pan
Lay newspaper clipping flat in pan and soak for 1 to 2 hours
Carefully remove and place on soft towel to dry
The clipping will remain preserved for several decades. *Note: always test procedure on a test page first.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Make your own Baby Wipes

You will need:
10 cup container (ex: rubbermaid, w/lid)
1/2 roll of Bounty paper towels
2 tbls of baby oil
2 tbls of baby bath
2 cups of water
Cut roll of paper towells in half, remove center cardboard, mix liquid ingredients, pour on top of paper towels, pull first towel up. Each roll of towels makes 2 containers of wipes, which lasts aprx. 3 weeks.
I have found that if I let them sit for about 1 hour all the liquid has enough time to absorb the entire 1/2 roll. I also have tried several brands of heavy duty paper towels, and have found that Bounty expands when wet and the others seem to shrivel up. Remember do not shake the liquid, it will foam up.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Interesting Facts

  • There is no tipping at restaurants in Japan.
  • The streets of Victor, Colorado, once a gold rush town, are paved with low-grade gold.
  • Most tropical marine fish could survive in a tank filled with human blood.
  • A hardboiled egg will spin. An uncooked or softboiled egg will not.
  • Half of all identity thieves are either relatives, friends, or neighbors of their victims.
  • There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.
  • Sheryl Crow's two front teeth are fake.
  • 85% of movie actors earn less than $5,000 a year from acting!
  • The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to remove some of the most common stains:

Water colour paint stains: If they are recent, eliminate these stains by dabbing them with a cloth soaked in a mix of water and ammonia. If the stain is dry, dab it with a cloth soaked in petrol.

Glue stains: If the glue has already dried, removing these stains can be difficult. After scraping off the excess, dab with a cloth soaked in meths or a solvent recommended by the manufacturer. You can also try soaking the stain in white vinegar then dabbing it with a hot wet cloth.

Ink stains: Remove the stain by soaking it in milk. Lemon juice with added salt also removes ink stains. Use alcohol or bleach on white cotton. On coloured cotton, use a mixture of water and alcohol vinegar. Hairspray can also be very effective at diluting ink. Spray then dry immediately with a clean cloth. Repeat until the stain disappears.

Bird droppings: Remove by dabbing with a cloth that’s been soaked in bleach or ammonia.

Felt-tip stains: White cotton: dab with a cloth soaked in soapy water, then soak the item in bleach. Coloured cotton: dab the stain with a cloth soaked in soapy water. Once the stain has been diluted dab with a cloth soaked in surgical spirit, or rub with a cloth soaked in warm milk or a juice of one lemon. Synthetic or artificial fibres: dab the stain with a cloth soaked in vinegar (except on acetate). Rinse and wash. Wool/satin: dab the stain with a cloth soaked in lemon juice until it disappears.

Highlighter stains: Soak the stained zone in milk, scrub and rinse.

Make-up stains: Never wet a make-up stain. Remove with mineral essence. Talc removes ring-shaped stains.

Foundation stains: Remove these stains by dabbing with a cloth soaked in ether. Repeat until the stain disappears, then wash with soapy water. You can also pour a little make-up remover on a tissue, scrub and hand wash with strong soap, rubbing gently.

Grass stains: Soak the stained zone with vinegar. Leave to react and rinse. If the stain does not disappear, dab with a cloth soaked in slightly diluted alcohol and rinse. Then wash again with soap and rinse again. On white cotton, rub the stain with a cloth soaked with lemon juice, then rinse. On delicate fabric, use meths or water mixed with ammonia.

Lipstick stains: Use a cloth soaked in ether or butter before washing. Non-oily make-up remover also works.

Bloodstains: A bloodstain is easily removed with cold water or oxygenated water. On dark fabric, eye serum gives good results. Don’t foget to wash and rinse the item afterwards. You can also use a mix of water, cornflour (or flour or talc). On older stains, use water with soda crystals added to it and don’t forget to rinse. Oxygenated water also gives good results. On silk, dab with a cloth soaked in meths.

Sweat stains: Yellow perspiration stains can be removed with a cloth soaked in water mixed with ammonia or white vinegar. If the item is white, use a cloth soaked in oxygenated water. On delicate fabric, dab with a cloth soaked in diluted lemon juice. Leave to dry, then wash. If the clothing is discloured by perspiration, you need to soak it quickly in a bath of water and white vinegar alcohol (half and half).

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cold Season is coming up. I found a recipe for making your own simple cough Syrup

Simple Cough Syrup
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup honey
1/4 cup warm water

Combine lemon juice and honey in a bowl. Slowly stir in the water. Store in a covered jar in the refrigerator - take 1-2 tbsp as needed for cough.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

10 ways to get fired from a Home-Based Contractor Opportunity

1. Having customers/clients hear your kids playing in the background.
2. setting up shop on your kitchen table. coffee table or bed.
3. Letting your computer be used by everyone in your family.
4. Using old technology on your computer
5. Not knowing how to search the Internet efficiently
6. Not being able to multitask
7. Spending your time shopping online while you are working
8. Showing up late to work your shifts
9. Mouthing off to a client
10. Eating while providing services to your customers/clients

Friday, September 26, 2008

I love to do scrapbooking. I found some great websites I just placed orders on these sites. They have some great deals. I wanted to share these with any fellow scrapbookers.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stress Relieving Tips

1. Recognize stress
Before you can adequately manage your stress, you must first learn to recognize how your body responds to stress. Only then will you be able to take the necessary steps to reduce or maybe eliminate the anxiety that accompanies it.
2. Practice relaxation techniques
When you practice relaxation techniques can help reduce stress. Consider practicing deep breathing, meditating, listening to soothing music, or using imaging techniques to visualize a more relaxed response.
3. Get enough sleep
Often we become so overwhelmed with stress that we neglect our health, and sickness only causes more stress in the end. One way to prevent illness is by getting enough sleep. This also enables you to be mentally prepared for all the work that awaits you in the morning; lack of sleep only makes you less efficient.
4. Set priorities
Generally stress is the result of being overwhelmed. When you have lots of work to be done in little time, the best way to manage projects is by prioritizing them. Then you at least have a plan of attack; you know what needs to be tackled and when.
5. Let the small stuff slide
Now that you’ve prioritized your projects you can determine what you can and should let go. When dealing with stress overload, you need to be able to focus on what matters and put the rest on hold.
6. Think positive
Often you can think away your stress. When you change your thought patterns and continually repeat positive affirmations, like “I have plenty of time to fulfill all my work obligations” or “I am feeling calm and relaxed,” you increase your capacity to manage difficult situations.
7. Sweat it away
Exercise is one of the best stress relievers. You may feel you can’t afford the time required to actually get your heart rate going, but you’ll find that taking the time buys you more energy and endurance in the end.
8. Minimize work-environment stress
A messy or tense work environment often invites more stress into your life. When you minimize workplace stressors, you will be better equipped to handle the stressors that truly matter. So take the extra time to clean your office, reorganize your space, or create a more soothing environment.
9. Do not self-medicate
When you feel overwhelmed it can be tempting to reduce stress by drinking alcohol or finding an anxiety-reducing medication that you think will help. Unless prescribed by a doctor, these methods will only increase your chances of encountering more stressors later.
10. Build a support network
Often the best help for stress is being surrounded by a network that understands your struggles and can offer you emotional support. You can find this network with professional peers or even your family.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Great Article

How to Plan a Functional Home Office
By: Stephanie Foster
Having the ability to work productively is extremely important when you work at home. How your home office is laid out is a major part of this. You need to consider the working conditions you need and your work style as you lay out your home office.
The working conditions you need should be your first consideration. This will help to determine where you set up your home office. If you have to be on the phone a lot, for example, you won't want your home office to just be a corner of the living room. A spare bedroom, on the other hand, could be perfect.
On the other hand, if you need the ability to see what your children are up to more than you need uninterrupted work time, having your home office in the main part of the house is probably exactly what you need.
The amount of space you will need is also a consideration. Do you have a lot of reference books or paperwork? Or are you almost entirely electronic, with everything stored on the computer? Maybe you have a lot of supplies you need at hand. This will determine the number of bookshelves and filing cabinets you might need, as well as the size of your computer desk
You want to have enough space that you don't feel too cramped as you work. Feeling cramped into a space is not the best thing for productivity.
The amount of space you need is defined not only by the items you need, but how you use them. Are you well organized? You might be able to get away with less space than someone who has a half dozen books spread out on the desk at a time.
I strongly recommend that you do try to remain at least a little bit organized in your home office. A good filing cabinet can save you quite a bit of time when hunting for that important piece of paperwork. Maybe you'll organize your papers daily, or maybe monthly, but regular organization will greatly help your productivity.
While it probably won't stop you from using a given space, you will want to look at how easily you can get telephone and internet service in your home office. It's easy enough to get these installed in most rooms of the house, but it will add to the expense of creating a home office.
I like my home office to have a good view of the backyard, so I can let the kids outside to play without having to wonder where they are. This can be a big help, as I can work without keeping the kids cooped up in the house.
Another item you might consider placing in your home office is some toys for the kids that they only get when you need a little extra quiet work time. These should not be toys they play with all the time. Make them special ones so that when you really need that bit of quiet to get something done, you can get it with relatively little trouble.
The ability to plan out your home office to your preferences, so long as it stays within your budget, is one of the great benefits of working at home. Don't limit yourself by what you had when you worked in someone else's office. Think about what you need. You aren't in a corporate environment anymore.

About the Author:
Stephanie Foster offers advice on stay at home jobs and has been a work at home mom for nearly five years now. Learn more and subscribe to her work at home newsletter at

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Great Free Craft Sites

Crafters Community - Free craft projects and ideas.

Cute Colors -Scrapbooking tags and journals, coloring greeting cards and pages.

Crafters Touch -Tons of free project ideas from candle making to kids crafts to scrapbooking to wedding crafts!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Personal online budgeting system

Mvelopes Personal is an online budgeting system that makes it easy to create an effective personal budget and track every aspect of your spending as it happens. It will help you always know exactly how much you have left to spend, instantly know the impact of every spending decision, effectively manage credit card spending, and quickly create an easy to use household budgeting plan.

Check it out at

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The danger of using tanning beds

  1. Sunbeds subject your skin to artificial UV rays, on top of the natural UV sun rays it's already subjected to. This increases the risk of skin cancer (melanoma) and premature ageing. The skin is attacked by intense rays which are much more powerful than natural sun rays, over a short period of time. Some appliances can emit rays that are 5 times harsher than those emitted by the sun in Australia in its zenith during summer solstice. According to a study led by the International Agency for Cancer Research, the risk of malignant melanoma, the most aggressive form of cancer, is increased by 75% in people who use sunbeds before the age of 30.
  2. Tanning salons pose a risk of eye damage, lesions such as keratitis and cataracts.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, sunbeds do not prepare skin for sun exposure, but they make you think you're more immune to burning. As a result, many people who have been on a sunbed before their hols suffer serious burns. The rays emitted by sunbeds are mainly UVA rays (it’s UVB rays which protect the skin).
  4. Artificial rays can cause photoallergic reactions, characterised by erythema (skin rash), vesicles (blisters on the skin containing fluid) and itching.
  5. Persistant exposure to rays contributes to the reduction of the body's immune defenses and increases the likelihood of infection.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Make your own makeup remover

What you need:
A see-through pump bottle
A small bowl
100ml castor oil
200ml sweet almond oil
200ml cornflower water (try health shops or the Internet)

Mix the sweet almond oil and castor oil, add the cornflower water and pour into your bottle. Every night, apply a generous amount using cotton wool to remove eye make-up.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Interesting Facts

  • In Michigan, a woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission.
  • It's illegal in Alabama to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
  • You're subject to fines and/or imprisonment for making uglyfaces at dogs in Oklahoma.
  • It's against the law to burp or sneeze in a church in Omaha, Nebraska.
  • By law, in Bourbon, Miss., one small onion must be served with each glass of water in a restaurant.
  • On Sunday, it is illegal to sell cornflakes in Columbus, Ohio.
  • Unless you have a doctor's note, its illegal to buy ice cream after 6 p.m. in Newark, New Jersey.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Free Downloads for your cell phone site offers a good roundup of free mobile phone wallpapers.The site includes instructions for adding the wallpapers to your phone.Image categories here include animals, cars, holidays, movies/TV, sports, and more. is a free service that lets you easily create custom wallpapers, backgrounds and logos for your cell phone. You can use Pix2Fone online, or download it as an extension to Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Pix2Fone can be used worldwide and supports virtually all models of cell phones that have color displays - is a free service lets you easily create and upload your own wallpapers and logos for your mobile phone.You can download images via WAP, or to your PC. No registration is required to use this service.Image formats supported include JPEG, GIF and PNG. site offers popular "mobile phone community site" offers loads of free goodies for your cell phone.Here, you'll find wallpapers, themes, ringtones, animations, Java games, and more. - site also features free background images, screen savers and other goodies for mobile phones

Sunday, September 14, 2008

How long are your beauty products good for ?

Three - five years
Hair products
Because these sorts of products contain alcohol, they tend to have a longer shelf life. Keep them in a cool place away from heat and they should last you well.

Three years
Eye and lip pencils

Keep your pencils well sharpened and with lids on and they will love you for it

Two years

Scents will last you 2 years if you look after it well. As pretty as it looks on your makeup table - the sun can cause it to go off. Fragrance needs to be kept cool and also in a dark place - in a drawer is a great home for it.

Foundation and face powder
Hopefully if you have a fave, you will be replacing it more than every 2 years, but that is the length or the time it will stay good for. Occasional users can rejoice.

One year or less
This is one of the shortest lived beauty products.To avoid major irritation and also cross contamination, always replace your mascara every 4 months.

Make-up sponges
You can get away with washing them a couple of times, but they can be a great breeding ground for bacteria, so buy bulk lots and replace every few months to avoid a breakout.

Make-up brushes
Wash in mild soapy warm water every few months to keep brushes in good condition.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


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Friday, September 12, 2008

Homemade Laundry Soap

Simplest Laundry Powder
1 part borax
1 part washing soda
Mix together and use about 1 Tbs per medium load of wash

Powder with Soap
1/2 to 3/4 of a bar of Fels Naptha soap, grated fine (Ivory works well too)
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
Use 1 -2 Tbs for medium load

Liquid Laundry Soap
This is more work but some folks are used to liquids. You'll also need a 2 gallon or so bucket or other container to hold the liquid soap. I just used an old plastic bucket from the last bucket of cheap powdered detergent I bought.
1/2 bar Fels Naptha soap, grated
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax
hot water
Put the grated soap in a saucepan and add 6 cups water. (Put your kettle on to heat up another 6 cups of water.) Bring to a simmer over medium heat and simmer until the soap flakes melt. Add the washing soda and borax and stir until dissolved. Pour this in the bucket and add another 6 cups hot water. Now add another gallon of warm water, plus 6 more cups or so and stir. Let it sit for 24 hours and it will gel up a bit. Use about 1/2 cup per load.
Note: You can also add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance but I find we like the smell of it as is.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


The newest virus circulating is the 'UPS Delivery Failure'. You will receive an email from UPS Packet Service along with a packet number. NOTE: The word packet is mis-spelled on this line. It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such and such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. DON'T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This was passed on to me by a friend:

Sunday afternoon around 5 PM I headed into the Target in Wheaton , IL where crime is VERY RARE and mostly it is with bikes being stolen!! It was still light outside and I parked fairly close to the entrance. As I got out of my car and began walking towards Target, an older lady shouted to me from the passenger seat of a car about 30 feet away from me. 'Ma'am you must help me, help me please, help me Ma'am!' I looked at her in the eyes and started to walk towards her when all of a sudden I remembered an email my Mom had sent me a week or two ago about rapists and abduct ions using elder people to lure women in. I paused, memorized the license plate and immediately headed into Target to get a manager to come help this lady, just in case something was up.While the woman manager headed out there, I kept a close watch just because I was curious what was wrong with the lady and wanted to be sure nothing happened. As the Target lady walked up towards the car and got very close to the old woman in order to help her,the back door of the car flies open and a large man with a stocking cap on, jumps out and sticks a gun to the lady's stomach as he shoves her into the back of the car. I yelled out 'call 911'
several times and just as I was saying that, a policeman who happened to be on the other side of the parking lot! And who, luckily had seen the entire thing happen, raced over to the car. He was able to stop the car and arrest the male as well as the old lady, who was involved in the scheme. By God's grace everyone was all right,including myself, although I think we were both shaken up. Like many of you, I would not in a million years have left an elderly person who was yelling for help if it weren't for the e-mail I had read last week.So, I wanted to pass this along so you all can be aware and remember that you really can't trust anyone these days. You just never know when something like this could happen. I would have never dreamed it to happen tome especially on a Sunday afternoon at a Target in a safe area! It definitely was not a coincidence that my Mom sent that email just a few days before this all happened.Please, be careful and always be aware of your surroundings. Just because you individually don't go over to help some one doesn't mean you have to leave them in trouble , but don't go ALONE, you really don't know what might be going on. I checked with - this is true - and they also use children to lure the victim!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Breast Cancer

From a nurse:
I'll never forget the look in my patients' eyes when I had to tell them they had to go home with the drains, new exercises and no breast. I remember begging the Doctors to keep these women in the hospital longer, only to hear that they would, but their hands were tied by the insurance companies. So there I sat with my patients, giving them the instructions they needed to take care of themselves, knowing full well they didn't grasp half of what I was saying, because the glazed, hopeless, frightened look spoke louder than the quiet 'Thank You' they muttered. A mastectomy is when a woman's breast is removed in order to remove cancerous breast cells/tissue. If you know anyone who has had a Mastectomy, you may know that there is a lot of discomfort and pain afterwards. Insurance companies are trying to make mastectomies an outpatient procedure. L et's give women the chance to recover properly in the hospital for 2 days after surgery.
It takes 2 seconds to do this and is very important. Please take the time and do it! Please send this to everyone in your address book. If there was ever a time when our voices and choices should be heard, this is one of those times.
If you're receiving this, it's because I think you will take the 30 seconds to vote on this issue and send it on to others you know who will do the same. There's a bill called the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act which will require insurance companies to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy. It's about eliminating the 'drive-through' Mastectomy where women are forced to go home just a few hours after surgery, against the wishes of their doctor, still groggy from anesthesia and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached.
Lifetime Television has put this bill on their Web page with a petition drive to show support. Last year over half the House signed on. PLEASE!! Sign the petition by clicking on the web site below. You need not give more than your name, state, and zip code.

Monday, September 8, 2008

You Can Succeed During Tough Times—Here's How
By Shawn Karner

Energy prices are at record highs, the economy may be in recession, and people are getting laid off right and left. Does that mean you should put your hopes and dreams on hold until things get better?NO! Investing, spending, and saving conservatively during tough times is good advice. But it's NEVER a good idea to put off pursuing your dreams.In my day-to-day role as a Certified Wealth Consultant, I constantly hear from people who want to start their own business. "But is this a good time to start a new business?" they ask. "Wouldn't I do better to wait a few years until the economy perks up before I begin?"Most are pleasantly surprised when I tell them their success has little to do with outside conditions. The real key to you achieving your dreams is how YOU FEEL inside. Anyone who truly believes in themselves develops a rock solid plan for success, then works with determination to make their success a reality—that person will succeed any place, any time, and under any condition.I've seen people who didn't know where their next meal was coming from work hard at a solid plan and find themselves earning six figures a year later.

Here are five simple steps to achieving YOUR success, even in tough economic times:

1. Choose a business that involves something you love. Do something you truly enjoy and it won't seem like work. You will learn the business far faster. On difficult days you won't even think about giving up because you can't bear to stop doing what you love.

2. Develop and use a solid plan. You won't reach success if you have no idea where you are going. You can't make lots of money dabbling here, dabbling there, and not completing much of anything. So plan your work, then work your plan. Work your plan even when your spouse and closest friends get tired of it. Stay with your plan until it works.

3. Find others who have experience in the same business. Create your own mentor team of helpful people who have already learned from their own mistakes, research, and time in the trenches. Their experience will give you a huge leg up, letting you skip over pitfalls and leap toward early profits.

4. Give yourself frequent attitude checks. Everyone has days when they start to doubt their own abilities, the effectiveness of their plan, even their decision to start a business. On days when your attitude is down, take a break. Come back and work your business when you feel more positive.

5. Give yourself a pat on the back. Simply making the decision to own your own business puts you in the top percent of people living in North America...or anywhere in the world for that matter. You are showing you have the ambition and good sense it takes to achieve real success no matter what happens. Try these simple five steps as you plan your work, then work your plan. You'll find your path to wealth is far easier, far faster, and much more enjoyable.

Shawn Karner is a Certified Wealth Master Consultant and President & CEO of Amazing Horizons, LLC. I specialize in helping others build the life they dream of. See my sites:

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Four Ways to Find a Job in This Economy

1. Stop taking it all personally. It’s frustrating to apply for positions and not get any responses. The truth is, hiring managers and recruiters are being inundated with resumes and applications right now. The fact that they haven’t replied to your application has nothing to do with you. By personalizing the situation, you waste time and energy, often with the end result of feeling bad about yourself. Realize that if you want to stand out from the competition, you’ll have to stop wasting time and focus instead on the next best action to take.

2. Ask for feedback. Find out how you can improve your chances of being hired. When you get those opportunities to speak to employers make sure you ask for specifics: Do you have feedback on my resume? How did I do in the interview? What advice do you have for me? What can I do differently to stand out next time? Many employers welcome this as an opportunity to help someone out.

3. Be proactive. Don’t just apply for jobs online or e-mail your contacts asking for leads. Pick up the phone and make sure you follow up each contact. Call your network of friends and family and remind them of what you are looking for, and ask if they are willing to help. Be sure to ask for focused assistance. Don’t just ask them to pass on any leads they come across. Instead, ask if they have contacts in the field you are interested in or a company you would like to know more about. Will they make an introduction? If you’ve had an interview and are wondering what happened, stop wondering, pick up the phone, and find out. By following up, you demonstrate initiative and remind a busy hiring manager who you are.

4. Get out of the house and meet people. You may feel uncomfortable with the whole idea of networking. Here’s another way to look at it. It’s about getting to know people and having them get to know you. Don’t go to functions because you feel you should. Find gatherings of people with whom you have an affinity: alumni, special interest clubs, exercise groups, community associations, classes, etc. Make it your intention to simply meet people—don’t weigh yourself down with expectations! Be open to people and to having them get to know you. We help people we like. For someone to like you, they need to get to know you. Be interested in people and what’s going on in their lives. Give yourself the gift of sharing something about yourself. If you keep the focus on building relationships you’ll naturally connect with people who will want to help you and vice versa.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Microsoft natural keyboard shortcuts

Windows Logo (Display or hide the Start menu)

Windows Logo+BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box)

Windows Logo+D (Display the desktop)

Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows)

Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restore the minimized windows)

Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer)

Windows Logo+F (Search for a file or a folder)

CTRL+Windows Logo+F (Search for computers)

Windows Logo+F1 (Display Windows Help)

Windows Logo+ L (Lock the keyboard)

Windows Logo+R (Open the Run dialog box)

Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Shortcut key for windows

Here are the lists of all Windows key shortcuts; few are not listed on Microsoft website also.

Windows Key
Displays the Start Menu.

Windows key + E
Opens a new Explorer Window.

Windows key + D
Minimizes all windows and shows the Desktop.

Windows Key + D
Opens all windows and takes you right back to where you were.

Windows Key + F
Displays the Find all files dialog box.

Windows Key + L
Lock your Windows XP computer.

Windows Key + M
Minimizes all open windows.

Windows Key + Shift + M
Restores all previously open windows to how they were before you minimized them.

Windows Key + R
Displays the Run command.

Windows Key + F1
Displays the Windows Help menu.

Windows Key + Pause/Break
Displays the Systems Properties dialog box.

Windows Key + Tab
Cycle through the buttons on the Taskbar.

Windows Key + Ctrl + F
Find computer.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

MySpace Tips, Tricks, and Secrets
You thought you know MySpace too well? Find out more MySpace secrets including where to get FREE MySpace backgrounds, layouts, graphics, comments, and surveys!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Stuffing Envelopes: The bottom line is this – there are machines that stuff envelopes and no legitimate company is going to pay a human being to do something a machine can do in a fraction of the time. What usually happens with the stuffing scam is, a person reads the ad, sends some $ to get started, and receives in return, a letter instructing them to place the same ad they replied to so they can scam others as they have been scammed.

Typing and Data Entry:While there is legitimate data entry work out there, you'll have to wade through cyber-acres of scams to find it. Scam ads typically claim you'll earn a certain amount for every "application" you process.As with the envelope stuffing scam, you pay a fee and are instructed to place the same ad you responded to and collect checks from those you scam. The "applications" you process come with a check and - if you decide to join the ranks of scammers - you keep the check. Hence, a payment for "processing" the application.Another common "data entry" scam involves having the applicant pay a fee for software they will "need" to complete data entry jobs. Once you purchase the software, it becomes clear that you will be fully responsible for finding the data entry jobs yourself - work will not come from the company.

Craft Assembly:"Send money for a start-up kit with all the materials you'll need, and earn money for every item you complete to our satisfaction."Sounds great for those who are crafty but, with very few exceptions, these arrangements result in the individual receiving the kit, doing the work, and having it rejected time after time. Nothing they do to improve the "quality" of their work will make a difference because the scammer does not want the finished product back, they want the money for the kits... period.

Postal Forwarding:Postal forwarding has become a huge problem - we've met several people who have not only lost their savings, but have also had brushes with the law after falling for this type of scam. In some cases, the scam involves the transport of stolen goods, in other cases, it has to do with cashing checks and forwarding money in exchange for a commission. As an example of the first type of scam, we met a men who was looking for home-based work because he had a physical disability that made it difficult to manage a "traditional" job. He saw an ad for a job that required him to receive packages of electronics (MP3 players, video recorders, DVD players, etc.), repackage them, and ship them to a designated destination in Romania. In exchange, the "hiring company" would reimburse him for shipping expenses and pay him a fee for his services.

Check and Funds Processing:In this scam, the individual agrees to process funds for someone who claims to live in a country where the government makes it nearly impossible for them to do so themselves. They agree to send you a check or checks, you deposit them into your bank account, and send them a personal check for 80% of the amount - keeping 20% as a commission.The problem - once you've cashed the check and sent a personal check back, you're notified that the checks were forged, stolen, or counterfeit. Your bank will hold you personally responsible for any money they have lost as a result of the scam. This means that individual now owes the bank the amount that they have wired to Nigeria (or Senegal, or any number of places from which these scams originate) - usually thousands of dollars. Some banks have been known to prosecute the US-based account holder for fraud, others have had their computers confiscated by federal agencies

Monday, September 1, 2008

Beware of The Nigerian Scam

This scam where the sender requests help in facilitating the transfer of a substantial sum of money, generally in the form of an email. In return, the sender offers a commission, usually in the range of several million dollars. The scammers then request that money be sent to pay for some of the costs associated with the transfer. If money is sent to the scammers, they will either disappear immediately or try to get more money with claims of continued problems with the transfer.

Also known as "advance fee fraud" and the "419 fraud."

This specific type of scam is generally referred to as the Nigerian scam because of its prevalence in the region, particularly during the 1990s. There is also a section of the Nigerian criminal code, Section 419, that makes this type of fraud illegal. However, this scam is not limited to Nigeria and is also perpetrated by many organizations in many different countries around the world. The origins of this scam are widely debated with some suggesting it started in Nigeria during the 1970s, while others suggest its origins go back hundreds of years to other confidence scams such as the Spanish prisoner scam.The scammers hope that the commission offered will be enticing enough to compel the recipient to take the risk of sending thousands of dollars to a stranger. The reasons given for the transfer can differ from a government freezing an account to the existence of an account with no beneficial owner. When it comes to this type of request, however, it is important to remember that if anything sounds too good to be true - it usually is.Warnings signs of a Nigerian scam include a U.S. currency account in a foreign country, odd spelling and language in the body of the email and a promise of substantial compensation for little effort.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Winter skin is dry skin. As the air temperature drops, so does the humidity and you feel the difference in that dry, itchy skin. There are a few simpl

Winter skin is dry skin. As the air temperature drops, so does the humidity and you feel the difference in that dry, itchy skin. There are a few simple things you can do to protect yourself, and help your skin:

  1. Bathe in warm water, not hot. Coming in from the cold it's tempting to take a really hot, really long shower, but your skin will suffer for it. Hot water strips your skin of moisture, bathe in warm water or for shorter periods of time to compensate. The American Academy of Dermatologists suggests limiting showers to no more than 10-15 min.
  2. Use a mild soap. Avoid antibacterial or deodorant soaps. Don't wash your face in the morning, washing at night is sufficient to cleanse impurities without over-drying.
  3. Apply a moisturizer while the skin is still wet. This applies to your hands as well as your face. Moisturizing while the skin is wet helps to trap moisture in. If your hands get particularly dry in winter, keep some lotion by the sink and moisturize every time you wash.
  4. Protect your skin when you go outside. Exposed skin suffers in winter so cover up as much as you can. Gloves, scarves, hats, and mufflers will keep you warm and your skin will thank you. Don't forget that your skin is still at risk from sun damage during the winter so make sure your lip balm has an SPF of at least 15 and use it liberally.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Top Five Things You Never Discuss at Work

1. Religion
This should be a no-brainer for most. There is just too much volatility and too many people who will not think twice about arguing ‘till they are blue in the face to convince you just how wrong you are.

2. Politics
Some people can’t even live in the same household and discuss politics, so it makes sense that this should be off limits at work.

3. Personal Finances
Do you really want people to know just how broke you truly are? In my opinion, whether you are wearing designer shoes or scrounging to buy a soda, the only one who needs to know what is in your wallet or bank account is you.

4. Sex Life
I don’t care how hot you think you are, nobody in the office wants to hear about your escapades between the sheets, whether it be your husband or wife or whomever. There is nothing worse than becoming the office slut or player.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Four Ways to Find a Job in This Economy

1. Stop taking it all personally. It’s frustrating to apply for positions and not get any responses. The truth is, hiring managers and recruiters are being inundated with resumes and applications right now. The fact that they haven’t replied to your application has nothing to do with you. By personalizing the situation, you waste time and energy, often with the end result of feeling bad about yourself. Realize that if you want to stand out from the competition, you’ll have to stop wasting time and focus instead on the next best action to take.

2. Ask for feedback. Find out how you can improve your chances of being hired. When you get those opportunities to speak to employers make sure you ask for specifics: Do you have feedback on my resume? How did I do in the interview? What advice do you have for me? What can I do differently to stand out next time? Many employers welcome this as an opportunity to help someone out.

3. Be proactive. Don’t just apply for jobs online or e-mail your contacts asking for leads. Pick up the phone and make sure you follow up each contact. Call your network of friends and family and remind them of what you are looking for, and ask if they are willing to help. Be sure to ask for focused assistance. Don’t just ask them to pass on any leads they come across. Instead, ask if they have contacts in the field you are interested in or a company you would like to know more about. Will they make an introduction? If you’ve had an interview and are wondering what happened, stop wondering, pick up the phone, and find out. By following up, you demonstrate initiative and remind a busy hiring manager who you are.

4. Get out of the house and meet people. You may feel uncomfortable with the whole idea of networking. Here’s another way to look at it. It’s about getting to know people and having them get to know you. Don’t go to functions because you feel you should. Find gatherings of people with whom you have an affinity: alumni, special interest clubs, exercise groups, community associations, classes, etc. Make it your intention to simply meet people—don’t weigh yourself down with expectations! Be open to people and to having them get to know you. We help people we like. For someone to like you, they need to get to know you. Be interested in people and what’s going on in their lives. Give yourself the gift of sharing something about yourself. If you keep the focus on building relationships you’ll naturally connect with people who will want to help you and vice versa.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School Shopping on the Cheap

Take Stock: Before you hit the stores, do an inventory of what's in the house. Pull out the pens, pencils, glue sticks and whatever else you have. Know what you have so you don't come home with three boxes of loose-leaf paper only to find an unopened one in the closet. While you're at it, jazz up any unused adult office supplies, like binders, with stickers and collages to make them kid-friendly.

On the Cheap: Inflation might be hitting you hard at the grocery store, but stores like OfficeMax and Target are slashing prices like it's 1935, selling pencils for a penny and literally giving away some supplies. Keep your eyes peeled for deep discounts. Know when a Sales Tax Holiday hits your state--they usually come in August--and shop then.

Save the Gas: Buy what you can online. Many stores offer free shipping and most have huge online discounts. With gas prices through the roof, the free container of Elmer's Glue that Staples is giving away might not be worth the savings once you fill your tank. It might be cheaper to visit instead.

Do What the Teacher Says: Step away from the aisle! Avoid impulse buying. Stick to the list the teacher gave you. If Hannah Montana folders aren't on it, don't buy them. Impulse purchases add up and unnecessary supplies end up unused.

Super Size It: Buy in bulk at stores like Costco or Sam's Club. Even if you have a small family, some supplies will still be good next year or later in the year. Or, team up with another mom and do a bulk shopping run together.

College Costs: No cost hits college kids harder than textbooks. Before investing in crisp, new books for your budding scholar, check out online discounts at or's Marketplace. A new copy of the Riverside Shakespeare--a must have for any English major--can set you back $90, a used copy can cost less than half that.

Recycle, Reuse: No time like the present to help save the environment. Reuse gently used notebooks rather than buying new. Make textbook covers out of paper bags. Your kids can decorate them however they want and it teaches them about recycling. While you're at it, skip the single-serving juice boxes and invest in sports bottles so you can use juice straight from the carton.

Wait It Out: Hold off on buying new threads until after the school year starts. September is usually warm enough that your kids will be wearing their summer clothes anyway. If you think retailers are cutting costs now to get you in the door, wait until October!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Great Article I wanted to Share

How To Avoid The Hidden Hazards Of Stress And Physical Burnout

Many believe that the feeling of helplessness or burnout is caused by psychological rather than physical problems. Losing a job or a loved one, having a chaotic schedule, or maintaining an abusive or unhappy relationship are the usual reasons behind being stressed and burned out.

However, according to Dr Anna Lake, an expert in stress-related matters, this condition can also be caused by physical problems. Symptoms of burnout due to physical exhaustion may include restlessness, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, depression and even lack of concentration and memory lapses. If you feel the abovementioned symptoms, you should not give up. There are a lot of ways that can help you deal with the situation.

Beware Of The Sugar Rush

If you are feeling down, a few squares of dark chocolate can help boost your mood. However, this does not mean that you have to indulge in this sugary treat all the time. A diet high in carbohydrates, such as breads and pastas, also increases the levels of sugar in the blood. Doctors believe that the surges and dips of blood sugar levels can make people who are feeling burned out more depressed and irritable.

If you think you are stressed out, you need to stay away from sugar-rich foods in order to maintain your blood sugar to normal levels. Reducing your consumption of starchy foods, processed goodies, candies and other sugar-rich foods could dramatically improve your mood.

Eat Right

People who love consuming junk foods usually lack vitamins and minerals that are important to keep the body healthy and strong. It is but natural for people who lack nutrients in the body to feel weak, sickly and lethargic. Thus, to make your body strong and ensure that you have all the right vitamins and minerals you need in order for your body to function efficiently, you need to increase your intake of vegetables, fruits and good sources of protein

Have A Break

Always remember that you are not a robot or a machine. Your body cannot take endless hours of work. You need ample hours of sleep to revitalize your body and mind. Furthermore, a vacation or some relaxation is also necessary to recharge your system and prepare you physically, emotionally and mentally for the difficult tasks ahead

Don't Skip Exercise

Did you know that one perfect antidote for stress is exercise? Individual who live sedentary lives are actually more prone to feeling tired than those who make it a point to exercise everyday. Stretching, walking and other physical activities can not only give you more energy, they also provide you with better mood and a more positive outlook in life.

Heal Yourself With Deep Breathing

When you are in a middle of a very stressful situation, it may be a good idea to stop and start breathing deeply. When you are anxious about something or in a tight spot, you might find yourself doing things that can hurt other people and even yourself. In order for you not to do anything regrettable, it would be wise to close your eyes and slowly count to ten, while breathing deeply. After about two minutes of inhaling and exhaling deeply, you will be less tensed and stressed out.

Have A Makeover

One way to ease stress is to have a makeover. A change in hairstyle or a new pair of clothes or shoes can really make people, especially women, happy. Having a facial or buying a product that will make you beautiful like anti-aging creams to get rid of your wrinkles will also help you feel good about yourself. One product that is effective in minimizing wrinkles and improving texture of the skin is Dermaxin. For more information about Dermaxin, visit

Author's Bio
Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine
There are times to be nosy or jealous, times to pig out and times to spend money when you shouldn't. Nobody's perfect, so instead of feeling guilty and beating yourself up about flaws as insignificant as a weakness for cookies, why not just accept them? With the best of intentions, there are certain vices you just can't give we say, embrace them!

  • Laziness:

Why embrace it? Because non-stop stress and irritation are no good for your complexion and they leave you feeling grouchy. Running around like a headless chicken from work to aerobics and back to do the hoovering is knackering, especially when the new series of Desperate Housewives is on...

Handling your laziness. Don't offload your tasks onto other people. It's your perogative to be too lazy to do the ironing, but don't ask your mum to do it for you! In the same vein, don't ask your other half to fill in your tax return or your colleague to finish a job you were supposed to do. Their patience will soon wear thin!.

  • Curiosity

Why embrace it? Because it's better to ask too many questions than not enough: that way, no-one can accuse you of never taking an interest in anyone else! And because if you hadn't peeked through your boyfriend's diary, you would never have known what he was planning for your birthday and you'd have turned up for your maiden helicopter flight in killer heels...

Handling your curiosity. Be discreet and subtle. Ask questions without letting on the true extent of your nosiness! Act surprised, encouraging the other person to tell you more: "I can't get over it, Sophie couldn't have left her bloke, she seemed so happy!" From there you'll get down to the juicy details ("That's not the half of it though - she's run off with a woman!" etc.)

  • Greed

Why embrace it? Because eating well and giving in to good food makes you a sexy, attractive, good-time girl. We're blessed to live in a world with Ben & Jerry's, so it would be rude not to indulge. Virgina Woolf said something along those lines: "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." A little indulgence is good for you on so many levels.

Handling your greed. Having the odd treat isn't the same as stuffing yourself 24/7. Having a cheeky bit of chocolate for a late-night treat doesn't make you a pig! Treat yourself to reward your efforts and achievements: once you've tied up the loose ends of an assignment, treat yourself to a bar (or two!). Just get a bit of exercise from time to time to reduce the effect on your waistline and help you let off steam. If the thought of the gym makes you quiver, remember there are other activities of a physical nature that get your heart pumping - and your other half involved too

  • Pride

Why embrace it ?Because you're worth it, of course! Besides, a bit of pride is good for your ego, your appearance (the more you love yourself, the better you dress!) and your friends and family: you have to love yourself before you can love others.

Handling your pride. Don't confuse pride with a big ego and avoid superficial gestures. Sending flowers is all well and good, but actually putting some thought into why you're doing it is just as important. Telling your friend how hot she looks in her new dress is worth more than an empty gesture.

  • Gossiping

Why embrace it? Because it feels good! It means there's always something to discuss...and it's so true that Mandy had to sleep with her boss to land that promotion. And better to discuss it with the rest of the office than with Mandy herself - you certainly wouldn't want to fall out with her now she's in charge of you!

Handling your gossiping. Careful who you share things with. If you're dying to let some juicy gossip out of the bag, go ahead...but not to people who are close to the person you're dishing the dirt on. It will backfire.

  • Spending

Why embrace it? Because it's therapeutic. And if you buy three jumpers, two dresses and a pair of shoes with 50% discount, just think of the amount you've saved! New clothes make you feel good, which makes you happier and more'll never have to waste your hard-earned cash on therapy or life coaching. Shopping is good for the economy

Handling your spending. Be generous with your spending. Keep in his good books by getting him a little something each time you go on a spree (a tie, shirt or pair of socks). Show him you're thinking of him and he'll only grumble a little when he finds out you've bought yet another pair of shoes.

  • Jealousy

Why embrace it? Because who wouldn't be jealous of a man as sexy, funny and intelligent as yours? Your little attacks of the old green-eyed monster are proof of your love and show how much he means to you...

Handling your jealousy. Accept your jealousy and when you're feeling it: "Yes I'm jealous. No, I don't like the way that Barbie doll was sniffing around you". Better to have a bit of a paddy there and then (in front of aforementioned bimbo, so she knows who she's messing with) than to suffer a fortnight of insomnia. Suffering in silence and not saying what's on your mind only makes life a misery.